Grand Commandery – Archived Posts

District No. 3 Festival Postoned

Dear Companions and Sir Knights,

It is with great regret that I inform you that the District 3 Spring Festival to be held April 14th & 21st at the Tampa York Rite Bodies, is being postponed until the fall.


Posted by M∴E∴ AJ Ahrens in Chapter - Archived, Commandery - Archived, Council - Archived

Jacksonville York Rite Bodies Install 2018 Officers

The Jacksonville York Rite Bodies on January 4, 2018 installed their new officers at the Jacksonville York Rite Temple. Damascus Commandery No. 2, K. T., installed Mark Balester as Eminent Commander. The Installing Officer was C. Robert Cooper, KYGCH, MEPGHP, PGSWB of the Grand Commandery. (more…)


Posted by M∴E∴ AJ Ahrens in Chapter - Archived, Commandery - Archived, Council - Archived